Why did India distance itself from voting on the UNSC resolution? Know what other countries said

UNSC resolution

United Nations: In the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), India created a voting distance on the resolution regarding the attack on Ukraine. Whereas, 11 countries have expressed their support for this. Apart from India, the names of China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are also included in those who abstained from voting. Russia used its veto power on this proposal. An emergency session was held at the UNSC regarding Russia’s military action against Ukraine.

India’s Permanent Representative to the UN TS Trimurti said that India is deeply disturbed by the ongoing incidents in Ukraine and appeals to stop the violence immediately. India has also given reasons to distance itself from the proposal. In which he also expressed concern about the safety of Indian citizens. Trimurti said, ‘No solution can ever be found at the cost of human life. We are also deeply concerned about the safety and welfare of the Indian community, including a large number of Indian students in Ukraine.

He further said, ‘The contemporary global order has been built on the respect of the UN Charter, international law and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the states. All members need to respect these principles and find a constructive way forward. Dialogue is the only answer to end disputes. However, at the present time, it may seem difficult. We have to go back to that.

After Russia’s use of veto power, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, “The reckless, irresponsible permanent member of the Security Council has misused his powers to attack his neighbor and the UN and Despite the overturning of our international system, we stand united behind Ukraine and its people.

UNSC resolution

She also said, ‘I want to make one thing clear. Russia, you vetoed this resolution, but you can’t veto our voice, you can’t veto the truth, you can’t veto our principles, you can’t veto the Ukrainian people.’

Apart from this, Brazil also agreed. Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho said in an emergency meeting of the United Nations, ‘The border has been crossed and this council cannot sit still.’ At the same time, he has described this proposal as anti-Russian. “You have made Ukraine a pawn in your geopolitical game, with no concern for the interests of the people of Ukraine,” he said after the vote. Your draft proposal is nothing but a cruel and inhuman move on this Ukrainian chessboard.

During this, there was pressure on China to support the countries as well. China said, ‘Russia’s legitimate security aspirations should be given due attention. Ukraine should be a bridge between the West and the East, not a place for disputes between major powers.

What was in the offer?
The draft Security Council resolution called on Russia to “immediately stop the use of force against Ukraine” and “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders”. Was. The draft also sought to change Russia’s decision to recognize two separatist states in eastern Ukraine as an independent.
