WHO’s warning – Russia should not go ahead with the vaccine, it is dangerous

Who director

Paris: Russia on Tuesday announced to make the Covid-19 vaccine, while winning the race to make Coronavirus Vaccine. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced, ‘We have made Corona’s safe vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine) and also registered in the country. I have given the first vaccine to one of my two daughters and she is feeling good. ‘ However, now the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that it does not yet have information about the corona vaccine being developed through Russia. The WHO has told Russia not to show haste in the vaccine case and has also termed this attitude as dangerous.

Russia has named the vaccine after its first satellite ‘Sputnik V’. The head of the Russian Autonomous Money Fund says that he has received requests from more than 20 countries for 1 billion doses for this vaccine. On the other hand, WHO has said that Russia has not shared any information related to the vaccine and testing process with them. The WHO is skeptical about testing Phase III of this vaccine. During the press briefing, the organization’s spokesperson, Christian Lindmire, said that if a license is issued for the production of a vaccine without a third stage trial, it would have to be considered dangerous.

Jarbas Barbosa, assistant director of the Pan-American Health Organization, which is part of the World Health Organization, said, “It has been reported that Brazil will start making the vaccine.” But this should not be done until further trials are completed. He said that anyone making a vaccine has to follow this process which will ensure that the vaccine is safe and recommended by the World Health Organization. Last week, the World Health Organization had urged Russia to follow the international guidelines to make vaccines against Corona.

Russia said – Vaccine safe
According to Russian officials, the vaccine has received approval from Russia’s Ministry of Health and Regulatory Body as per the plan. It is being told that this vaccine will be given to frontline medical workers, teachers and people at risk. Putin said that his scientists have prepared such a vaccine of corona virus which is effective against corona virus. This vaccine was tested on humans for two months and has met all safety standards.

Russia’s Health Ministry has also approved this vaccine. It is believed that in Russia, this vaccine will be introduced to people on a large scale. However, given the rapid pace that Russia claimed to have acquired the corona vaccine, concerns are being raised about it in the scientific world. The world’s first vaccine has been prepared by the Ministry of Defense and Gamalaya National Center for Research on Epidemiology and Microbiology. Preparations have been started to produce it from September and to install people from October.

Many countries are making vaccines
However, Russia is not the only country engaged in making vaccines. More than 100 vaccines are in the initial stage and more than 20 vaccines are being tested on humans. Six types of vaccines are being worked on in the US, and the famous Coronavirus specialist, Doctor Anthony Fossey of the US has said that by the end of the year, America will have a safe and effective vaccine. Britain has also entered into four agreements on the coronavirus vaccine. AstraZeneca is preparing 10 million doses of the Corona vaccine, scientists are working at Oxford University, and pharmaceutical companies GSK and Sanofi are also finding a cure. On Tuesday, both Indonesia and Mexico announced that the last round clinical trial of the Corona vaccine was going on in their country. Apart from this, China’s Synovac is also being told in the final phase.
