New Delhi: Corona cases are increasing in the country. There have been around 2 lakh cases of corona infection in the last 24 hours. People suffering from corona infection are experiencing different symptoms. Corona infection has many questions in the minds of people regarding new symptoms, its treatment. AIIMS has developed a protocol for the treatment of corona. Since the onset of the epidemic, six to seven changes have been made so far. Let’s know the symptoms of corona infection and answers some important questions related to its treatment …
What are the initial symptoms of corona infection and how is it treated?
Initial symptoms of corona include sore throat, cough, breathless fever. Physicians may prescribe ivermectin for the treatment of the elderly and people with severe illness. Steroids should not be used on patients with mild symptoms.
Do people with mild symptoms need to be admitted to the hospital?
No, home isolation is recommended for those with mild symptoms. If he has trouble breathing, high fever, high cough and low oxygen level, he can contact the doctor.

When does the patient need oxygen support?
Patients with moderate symptoms, whose respiratory rate is less than _> 24 / min, require oxygen support along with admission to the hospital. Such patients may be given anti viral therapy, plasma therapy, anti inflammatory and immunitomodilatory therapy. Some patients may also require medication to prevent blood clots from accumulating.
Which patients need to be admitted to ventilator support, ICU?
For patients whose respiratory rate is _> 30 / min, they require respiratory support through high flow nasal cannula. In addition, a non-invasive ventilator or conventional ventilator support can be placed when needed. If the disease is less than 10–14 days, then an anti-viral regimen may be considered.
When is plasma therapy needed?
Plasma therapy may be given when the patient has mild symptoms at the onset of corona disease. This requires HT plasma.
When can Remedesivir be given to corona patients?
Remedesivir can be injected into patients with moderate to severe symptoms according to the AIIMS protocol. Patients with mild symptoms are advised not to take Remadecivir injection.