New Delhi: In an expanded exploration of Earth’s subterranean water reserves, scientists from the University of Saskatchewan embarked on a comprehensive study in 2021, delving into the volumes of water stored beneath the planet’s surface. Their findings illuminated the staggering quantity of water held within the world’s oceans, estimated at 312 million cubic miles—the most substantial known water reservoir. Furthermore, the Earth’s core itself is a significant repository, containing roughly 43.9 million cubic kilometers of water, which constitutes about a quarter of Earth’s total water resources.
The icy expanse of Antarctica conceals another vast reserve, with approximately 6.5 million cubic miles of water locked within its frozen confines. This hidden trove of fresh water is a critical component of the planet’s overall water budget.
A separate investigation, as reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, sheds light on the ancient origins of groundwater. The study reveals that the water we extract from subterranean sources has been nestled within the Earth for centuries, undergoing a natural replenishment cycle through precipitation and other means. Earlier research published in Nature Geoscience in 2015 posited that the upper 2 kilometers of Earth’s crust contained about 22.6 million cubic kilometers of water. However, recent advancements in research have revised this figure upward to 23.6 million cubic kilometers, reflecting a more nuanced understanding of Earth’s water distribution.
Crucially, the majority of this subterranean water is deemed potable, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the global water crisis. The implications of this discovery are profound, bolstering water conservation initiatives and informing the development of innovative strategies for the sustainable management and utilization of water resources for future generations.