United Nations: A 29-year-old Indian among the seven winners of the Young Champions of the Earth award, given by the Environment Agency of the United Nations. An entrepreneur is also involved.
This award is given to those who work towards solving the challenges related to the environment through new ideas and innovative steps. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) said in a statement on Tuesday that Vidyut Mohan, a co-founder and engineer by profession of ‘Tekachar’ company, has helped farmers (Farmers) through their social enterprise. Explained not to burn crop waste and, using these wastes, told them about additional income measures.

Mohan was quoted as saying in the statement, “I always wanted to work on the subject of access to energy and providing income opportunities to poor communities.” He said, “I wanted to find answers to the questions of balancing economic development in developing countries and to prevent side effects on the environment.”
UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutares said in a message that the problems of society have increased during the Corona Virus epidemic, also affecting the economy. He said, “We need to immediately take concrete steps for the damage done to nature and move forward on the path of sustainable development.” He said that the ‘Young Champions of the Earth’ are working to inspire and push people in this direction.
UNEP Executive Director Inger Anderson said that youth are taking the lead in addressing meaningful changes to climate change, biodiversity loss. ‘Tekacha’ takes the husk, straw, and coconut peels from the farmers and converts them into charcoal and motivates the farmers to stop burning the waste. Since its inception in the year 2018, Mohan and company co-founder Kevin Kung have worked closely with 4500 farmers and disposed of 30,000 tonnes of waste.