Mumbai: Bollywood actress Vidya Balan’s starrer film ‘Neeyat’ has been released on the big screen in theaters on Friday. With this film, the actress has made her comeback on the big screen after a long time. Neet, an espionage-thriller directed by Anu Menon, also features Vidya Balan, Neeraj Kabi, Ram Kapoor, Rahul Bose, Prajakta Koli, Amrita Puri, Shashank Arora and Nikki Walia in pivotal roles.
The film has received a mixed response from the audience. At the same time, critics have also liked the film. Some people have called the film ‘Niyat’ a copy of the ‘Glass Onion’ series. The box office report of the first day of the film has also come to the fore. According to the early trend report of SacNilk, the film ‘Niyat’ has opened at Rs 1 crore at the box office. However, the film can get a special advantage of the weekend.
On the other hand, the film ‘Niyat’ clashed with Pavan Malhotra and Aamir Bashir’s starrer film ’72 Hoorain’. The film ’72 Hooren’, directed by Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, also hit the big screen on the previous day. This film has been produced by Ashok Pandit. The film also faced controversies. Protests were seen at various places regarding the film. Ashok Pandit has been given police protection after receiving constant threats and warnings. According to the early trend report of SacNilk, the film ’72 Hooren’ earned Rs 35 lakh at the box office on the first day. However, an edge can be seen in this.
Whereas Karthik Aryan and Kiara Advani’s film ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ is also running in theatres. The film collected Rs 2.70 crore at the box office on its 9th day i.e. the second Friday of its release as per the early trend report by SacNilk. With this, the film ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ Has done a total box office business of Rs 55.91 crore.