It is common for hair to turn white with increasing age. But nowadays the problem of getting white hair has increased even at a young age. At present, even the children of very young age getting white hair. Therefore, it has become a matter of concern for all of us. There are many reasons for hair becoming white such as water, extreme stress, changing lifestyles, eating and adulterated foods.

To hide white hair, coloring is done by all from little boys or girls to elders. With this color filled with chemical, hair turns black. But after a few days, the bad effect of this chemical color starts appearing on the hair. This causes many problems. This causes hair to become weak and fall. Therefore, keep your hair strong and healthy by coloring hair in a natural way instead of chemical filled color. There is a full possibility of other diseases in the body due to the color of the chemical.
Jaswand flowers can be used to give hair a natural color. In Ayurveda, Jaswand flower is considered as a better medicine flower. Therefore, Jaswand flower can be used for hair problems. Grind the flowers and leaves of Jaswand and apply its mixture on the hair to stop hair fall. Reduces Russian. Jaswand flowers are also used in hair oil.
Jaswand flower color
Jaswand flowers along with natural color make hair shiny. It is used for hair growth and to reduce rancidity.
To make the color of Jaswand’s flower, heat two cups of water in a pot. Put one cup of Jaswand flower petals in hot water, after 15-20 minutes when the water cools, fill it in a spray bottle.
Wash hair thoroughly before coloring hair. After that, paint the entire hair with a spray with the help of comb. Then dry it for one hour and wash the hair with water.
This remedy will be good for natural hair color. It will not have any side effect to the hair and will help the hair to become absolutely black and shiny.
Note: Jaswand flower is also known as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, known colloquially as Chinese hibiscus, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, rose mallow and shoeblackplant, is a species of tropical hibiscus, a flowering plant in the Hibisceae tribe of the family Malvaceae.