Pune: In a devastating turn of events in Pune, Maharashtra, a high-speed collision resulted in the loss of two lives when a luxury Porsche, driven by an underage driver, struck a motorcycle in the Kalyani Nagar area. The accident, which occurred on the night of May 18th, has since seen the arrest and subsequent bail of the minor driver, followed by the detention of his father, prominent Pune builder Vishal Aggarwal.
The Incident and Immediate Aftermath
The collision took place at approximately 3:15 pm last Saturday when a group of friends on their motorcycle was returning from a restaurant party. The FIR reports that at Kalyani Nagar Junction, their bike was hit by a speeding car, leading to the immediate death of both riders, identified as Anees Awadhiya and Ashwini Costa. Post-accident, a video circulated on social media showing bystanders attempting to extract the driver from the wrecked vehicle.
Legal Proceedings and Arrests
The 17-year-old driver, who had just completed his 12th-grade examinations, was arrested but released on bail after 15 hours. His father, Vishal Aggarwal, owner of Vishal Brahma Realty, was detained from Sambhajinagar on the morning of May 21st. Pune City Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar stated that actions are being taken against both the father for negligence and the establishment that served alcohol to the minor under Sections 75 and 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act.
Sections 75 and 77 Explained
Section 75 of the Juvenile Justice Act penalizes those in charge of a child for any form of assault, abandonment, or neglect likely to cause the child mental or physical suffering. Section 77 specifically prohibits providing alcohol or intoxicants to a child.
Community Reaction and Ongoing Investigations
The community has been left reeling by the incident, with many calling for stricter enforcement of traffic laws and accountability for those serving alcohol to minors. The police continue their investigation, and further updates are expected as the case develops.