New Delhi: According to news coming from the technology sector, now the micro-blogging site Twitter has added another new and awesome feature to its social media platform. Yes, now Twitter users will also be able to remove unwanted tags and close their notification thread at will.
However, after this other users will not be able to tag you again in the same thread. It should be noted that earlier this month, Twitter also gave Blue subscribers an option to change the navigation bar in its app on Android devices.
In June, Twitter made a separate button for toggling captions for its video player available for both iOS and Android. At the same time, the Space Tab feature was first tested by Twitter on iOS last year and this feature was first given to iOS users only. Then in May, it was activated for Android as well.
Know Twitter’s new Feature Animation
So friends, now Twitter has rolled out the Unmention feature for all of you. In, this special feature allows those users to remove themselves from those conversations in which they do not want to participate. Now this annotation will untag the user’s username from that post, and will also block notifications from the thread. Now if you want, other users will not be able to tag you again in the same thread.
- Such will be the Unmention
- For Unmention, you have to tap on the three-dot menu of the tweet from which you want to remove yourself.
- After tapping this, you will have to tap on the option to leave this conversation again.
- After tapping it, you will see a ‘Let’s get you out of this conversation pop up’.
- Now here you have to tap on ‘leave this conversation again.
- Tapping this will allow you to remove yourself from the conversation with the assistant.