Mumbai: Rajveer Deol, the younger son of Bollywood icon Sunny Deol, is all set to step into the world of cinema alongside Paloma Dhillon, daughter of Poonam Dhillon, in their debut film ‘Dono.’ This upcoming cinematic venture also marks the directorial debut of Avnish Barjatya, the talented offspring of renowned Bollywood director Sooraj Barjatya.
The eagerly awaited trailer of ‘Dono’ made its grand debut on September 4th, now available for streaming on the official YouTube channel of Jio Studios. The film’s narrative is centered around a captivating love story, and the trailer commences with a glimpse into Rajveer’s character. He receives an unexpected call from his mother, sharing the news of his best friend’s impending wedding. This revelation leaves him in a state of turmoil as he had longed to express his feelings but was hindered by his naturally reserved disposition. The story takes a delightful turn when he encounters Paloma, who herself is recovering from a recent breakup. Their journey unfolds as they navigate the complexities of love and relationships.
‘Dono’ is poised for a theatrical release on October 5, 2023, promising an engaging and heartfelt cinematic experience for audiences.