New Delhi: Shantanu Muluk, who is absconding on the tool kit, has got bail from the Bombay Highcourt. The court has given him a 10-day transit bail. With this, a decision has been reserved on the other accused Nikita Jacob on the case.
It may be noted that Delhi Police (Delhi Police) had issued a non-bailable warrant against Shantanu on the toolkit case and against which both of them filed a petition in the Bombay High Court for bail.
Decision on Nikita’s petition on Wednesday
The Bombay High Court has reserved its verdict on the petition of activist Nikita Jacob, one of the editors of the Google document on the toolkit case. The court will give its verdict on Wednesday, till then Delhi Police will not take any concrete action.
Disha Ravi gets bail to meet family
The Patiala court in Delhi allowed climate activist Disha Ravi to get warm clothes, masks, books etc. The court also allowed her to talk to her mother and other family members. Along with this, the court has also allowed access to a copy of the FIR and other documents related to his arrest in the toolkit case.
Contact with Khalistan terrorists
Giving information on the toolkit case, Delhi Police had claimed, “Mo Dhaliwal, founder of the Khalistani organization Poitis Justice Foundation, approached Nikita Jacob through his colleague Puneet. Which was intended to create a Twitter storm before Republic Day. There was a zoom meeting before Republic Day which was attended by Mo Dhaliwal, Nikita, Disha and others. ”