Florida: America’s space agency NASA has announced that space-grown tomatoes in the International Space Station-ISS will be sent to CRS-27, a cargo resupply spacecraft of SpaceX, on April 15. Will return to earth through This spacecraft will bring about 2,000 kg of supplies and scientific experiments. CRS-7 will leave the ISS at 10:45 am EST (8:15 pm Indian time). NASA said that its live coverage can also be seen. NASA said in a blog post that the astronauts grew this variety of dwarf tomatoes in a very small greenhouse on the ISS orbiting the Earth.
Three crops of these tomatoes were taken in International Space Station-ISS in about 90, 97, and 104 days. After this, these tomatoes were frozen and tested for their nutritional value. NASA said that the ability to grow plants in space for fresh food and to improve the crew’s living experience for future long-duration missions is very important. NASA said that such experiments can be adapted for use on Earth so that fresh food and drink can be obtained even without gardens.

Other cargo brought to Earth from the ISS include crystals produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan’s space agency. Crystal growth methods may aid in the development of more efficient solar cells and semiconductor-based electronics. Samples of some experiments involving blood carried out by the Canadian Space Agency are also returning to Earth. Scientific samples will be taken to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida after their arrival on Earth. So that researchers can collect data with minimal exposure to Earth’s gravity.