Every year today i.e. 19th August is celebrated as World Humanitarian Day. This day is dedicated to those people who work for humanity and for this they have sacrificed their lives. To this day, inspiration is given to work for humanity in the world.
Today there is a lack of humanity in every country of the world. We, being human, are seen beyond the sense of humanity. As man is progressing on the path of progress, he is also getting away from the spirit of humanity.
Today people hesitate to help their loved ones, far from helping others. Then why do we, being human, shy away from helping a suffering person with an emotional mind. It is the religion of humanity that we help the suffering person. Treat his sorrow as your sorrow. One country is forgetting humanity and is engaged in dropping bombs on the people of its own country, while the other is killing the refugees who have fled to their country.
Millions of people are dying of hunger in Africa, while in republics like the Congo, the orgy of savagery is being danced. Humanity is being eroded continuously in many parts of the world and nothing is being done on the ground in the name of help in these parts.

This day was designated in memory of the 19 August 2003 bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 22 people, including the chief humanitarian in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly formalized the day as World Humanitarian Day (WHD).
Since 2009, every year 19 August is celebrated as ‘World Humanitarian Day. By this, the safety of people working for humanity is ensured.
World Humanitarian Day is a tribute to all those people who dedicated their lives to the world by following the path of humanity. There are many such symbols of humanity in India, which we are proud of, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, etc.