Third dose of corona vaccine will also be needed! Know what the experts say

AIIMS director Dr. Guleria

New Delhi: Questions have also arisen among the second wave of Corona whether the third booster dose of vaccine will also be taken in the future? Well-known experts of the country say that people may have to take the third dose of vaccine to avoid the Covid-19 Pandemic in the future, but there is not enough data on its effectiveness.

AIIMS director Randeep Guleria told a news channel that the need for a third dose would depend mainly on two things. The first is how long the immunity from both doses of the vaccine lasts. Secondly, if new variants emerge then the third dose can be given on the basis of the vaccine affixation. Guleria, a member of the country’s National Covid Task Force, says that we do not have any definitive data but it is possible that a third dose may also be taken in the future. Not necessarily immediately but after some time.

How long will the second wave end?
On the question of how long the second wave will end, Guleria said that the epidemic is moving from west to east. They say- ‘We saw that now in the western parts of the country, stability has started in new cases and it is possible that these may go on decreasing. Cases are still fast in central India. But I hope that in the latter part of this month, matters will start to subside. ‘ However, he cautioned that an increase in cases can be recorded in the eastern parts of the country.
Guleria said that in the next one or two months, we can see the epidemic completely depleting. They also say that if India succeeded in vaccination of more and more people and adopted Corona pneumonia properly then the effect of the third wave could be less.


What is being done on the vaccination of children?
Regarding vaccination of children, he said- ‘We already know that children are fragile. Such a conversation is going on that if the next wave comes, children can come under its influence. It is very important for us that we emphasize efforts to save children.
