New Delhi: The war between Ukraine and Russia has not stopped yet. Meanwhile, a video is going viral on social media. It is claimed in this clip that Vladimir Putin is using a lookalike on his tour. It is believed that Putin is trying to cheat the world by using his duplicate or body double. According to a report in DailyMail, this speculation intensified when Russian President Putin recently visited Ukraine-occupied Mariupol. It is being claimed that it was not Putin but his body double who went on this tour. However, it is not yet clear who made this footage and how. It is believed that through this video, an attempt has been made to give a message to the people of Russia, who rely on the government media for news.
In the viral video, Putin’s face and the changes coming in it have been explained. The clip claims that Putin has a scar behind his ear which is changing. It has also been claimed that there is a mole on his face that is changing. In the video, many claims have been made about wrinkles instead of his face and it has been told that this is impossible. It has been told in the report that Putin is continuously getting plastic surgery done on his face.
Rumors about Putin’s visit
According to the report in the Daily Mail, rumors have spread that Putin has undergone continuous plastic surgery. In 1999, when he became the acting President, he looked quite old at that time. A viral video claims that a weak lookalike of Putin was sent on a visit to Mariupol. He had forgotten to put on his artificial jaw. It is rumored that Putin has done plastic surgery on one of his loyalists, so he looks exactly like him. Then this person is being sent on tours in place of Putin. It is believed that the President of Russia is reportedly suffering from some disease. Because of this body double is being used.
Ukraine mocked
The question has been raised in this viral video that this body double has fake teeth. Not only this, but it has also been asked ‘How many Putins are there?’. Let us inform you that Ukraine had made fun of Putin earlier. Ukraine had claimed that Putin’s lookalike was sent to Mariupol. Not only this, a Kyiv official shared some pictures of Putin’s chin and made fun of him.