Islamabad: Famous singer and actress Cher is about to arrive in Pakistan to celebrate the farewell of Kavan, who is being described as ‘World’s Loneliest Elephant’. After years of hard work by organizations and activists working for animal rights, Kavan is about to move from a zoo in Pakistan to better conditions.
Martin Bauer of Four Pose International, an Vienna-based organization working for animal welfare, said Cher’s program has not been made public due to safety concerns but is on its way. Four Pause International led the campaign to save Kavan. This elephant has been in this zoo for 35 years and in 2012 his mate died.

Veterinarians had earlier this year said the elephant was overweight and malnourished. His behavior has also changed. The elephant is scheduled to leave for a Cambodian sanctuary on Sunday.
Cher had raised the issue of Kavan and she has been vocal in taking him elsewhere. The campaign to move him elsewhere began in 2016. “Thanks not only to Cher but also to the Pakistani activists,” said Bauer.