Jerusalem: An initial resolution calling for the dissolution of Israel’s parliament was passed on Wednesday, raising the possibility of the country holding its fourth presidential election in two years. Is. The proposal was tabled in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, with 61 votes in favor and 54 against. Parliament could be dissolved after a final vote early next week, followed by re-election in Israel in March or April.

Talks between the two main parties in the government are likely to take place in the coming days in an effort to avert a final vote. This proposal is yet to be approved by the Knesset Committee. After this, it will be voted twice more. Benny Gantz’s Blue and White Party, which supports the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, voted in favor of dissolving the government.
The party accused the prime minister of putting his legal interests above the country. Earlier this year, Netanyahu was accused of fraud, betrayal and taking bribes. The trial is set to begin next month, with Netanyahu set to appear.