The bridegroom reached the procession through Google map, then something like this happened… Learn the whole matter


Indonesia: In today’s time, going to some unknown place is not a difficult task. Just our Smartphone should have Google Map. Then will we reach our destination? Even though Google Map works to get you to your destination, but sitting on it many times can also bring the biggest trouble for you. A similar case has come to light, where the bridegroom reached with a bride procession through Google Map, there was lots of welcome at the groom’s place, but later when they came to know the reality Everyone was surprised.

Actually, this is the case of Indonesia. Where there were two ceremonies in the same village, a wedding and an engagement. Because of this, a groom was saved from being married to the wrong girl. During a conversation with Indonesian portal ‘Tribunnews’, the 27-year-old bride told that, initially, she was not aware that the boy who brought her to the wedding procession was not really her groom. “My family welcomed him and later the gifts were exchanged on both sides,” ULFA said.

The bridegroom procession through Google map

After which any one of the processions realized that they had reached the wrong house with the procession. Then they told that they reached the wrong address because of Google Maps. They also apologized after this. The ULFA said that her fiancée and family arrived late because they had stopped on the road and started resting.
