Hyderabad: Telangana witnessed torrential rains on Tuesday, disrupting normal life and causing four deaths. Three laborers were struck by lightning in two villages of Jaishankar Bhupalpally district while working in the field. A four-year-old boy was swept away by a drain in the Bachupalli area of Hyderabad and his body was found two kilometers away. CCTV footage showed the boy falling into the drain.
The weather department has issued a warning of heavy to very heavy rainfall in some districts of Telangana till Wednesday morning. Jaishankar Bhupalpally, Mulugu, Khammam, Nalgonda, and Mahabubabad districts are likely to receive the most rainfall. Hyderabad District Collector has declared a holiday for all educational institutions on Tuesday in view of the rain forecast. The municipal corporation staff are working to clear the waterlogged areas in the city.
Many parts of the city faced waterlogging due to the heavy rains, affecting the traffic and daily activities. The municipal commissioner has advised people to stay indoors unless there is an emergency. The Cyberabad Police has suggested IT employees to work from home. The weather department has also predicted heavy rain in Adilabad, Komaram Bheem Asifabad, Mancherial, Nirmal, Nizamabad, Jagityal, Rajanna Sircilla, Karimnagar, Pedapalli, Jayashankar Bhoopalpally, Mulugu, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Khammam and Kamareddy districts of the state till Wednesday morning. Thunderstorm with lightning and gusty winds (40-50 kmph) is also expected at some places over these districts.