New Delhi: The wait is over. Tata Motors has launched the CNG model of its very popular compact SUV Tata Punch. The company has also revealed its price. This car has been launched with Tata’s dual-cylinder CNG technology. This car has been launched in 4 variants like Pure, Adventure, Adventure Rhythm, and Accomplished. Their price is Rs. 7.10 lakh, Rs. 7.85 lacks, Rs. 8.20 lakh, and Rs. 8.85 lakh respectively.
It will compete directly with the Hyundai Exter CNG which was launched recently in this price range. 8.24 lakh for the S variant and Rs. 8.97 lahks for the SX variant. Punch CNG is the fourth CNG car from Tata. Earlier the company Tiago, Tigor, and Altroz have been launched with CNG.
Engine, torque, and power
Tata Punch CNG Using Tata’s dual-cylinder setup, the company has given a 1.2-liter, 3-cylinder petrol engine, which was first introduced in Altroz CNG. The gasoline unit offers 86bhp of maximum power along with 113Nm of torque, while the CNG kit, offers a power output of 73.4bhp and 103Nm of torque.
Direct start in CNG mode
The Punch CNG is mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox and is powered by two CNG cylinders, both of 30-liter capacity, placed under the boot floor, thereby minimizing boot space. Like the Altroz CNG, the micro SUV can be directly started in CNG mode, which improves the overall driver experience. Trouble may arise for Exeter as Tata has aggressively priced the car.