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Samsung, Apple to manufacture mobile phones in India

New Delhi: ICEA (ICEA), an association of mobile handset manufacturing companies, said the companies have committed investment of Rs 11,000 crore under the Production...

Alia & Katrina last night at Zoya Akhtar’s hous…

Is Jee Le Zaraa going to happen? Alia & Katrina last night at Zoya Akhtar’s house!  ]Source
Quality Education India Development Impact Bond

Top Marks for India’s Largest Development Impact Bond

New Delhi: Independent evaluation shows that the QEI-DIB exceeded targets for the second year in a row, improving learning outcomes for more than 100,000...
Rapper Trouble

Atlanta rapper Trouble shot dead, body found in apartment

Georgia: Atlanta rapper Trouble has been shot dead in Georgia, USA. According to the information, the body of the rapper was found in his...

With new video editing tools on Facebook, users will be able to upload HDR...

Meta has announced several upgrades for video features on Facebook. Now users will get refined editing tools. Also, now users will be able to...
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