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Omar Ayub

PTI nominates Omar Ayub for PM amid political turmoil in Pakistan

New Delhi: Pakistan's political landscape is in turmoil after the Feb 8 national election, which resulted in a hung parliament and allegations of massive...
six new cheetah cubs

Kuno National Park welcomes six new cheetah cubs in a month

New Delhi: In a boost to the conservation efforts of the cheetah, the world's fastest land animal, six cubs have been born in the...
kapil sharma

Kapil Sharma’s biopic to be made in the name of ‘Fankar’

Mumbai: A biopic drama film on the life of popular comedian and TV show host Kapil Sharma was announced on Friday. Titled 'Fankar', the film...

Muslim women will not get the freedom to wear burkini, the court reversed the...

Paris: In France, the controversy over the burkini worn by Muslim women in the swimming pool is increasing. The French court overturned the rule...

The United States has backed sanctions against Chinese and Russian companies over Iran’s missile...

Washington: The United States has imposed sanctions on four Chinese and Russian companies supporting Iran's missile program. Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo has given this...
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