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Disturbing Situation in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan: A Disturbing Situation for Indian Students

New Delhi: The plight of Indians stranded abroad is not a new issue, but this time, our focus is on students. Every year, a...
Sabrina Siddiqui

White House Condemns ‘Harassment’ Of Reporter Sabrina Siddiqui

New Delhi: The Wall Street Journal's reporter Sabrina Siddiqui faced online abuse and harassment after she asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi about democracy and...

Huge increase in corona infection, more than 20 thousand new cases came after 145...

New Delhi: Once again there has been a huge increase in the infection of coronavirus. In the last 24 hours, 20139 new cases have...
ICSE board 10th result1

Girls outperformed in ICSE 10th, 3 girls, 1 boy in toppers, see list

New Delhi: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE) has released the 10th result. CSE 10th class results can be checked by visiting...
Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Ardern’s party wins stunning victory in New Zealand general election

Wellington: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who won the country against the Corona virus, has also won the election with an overwhelming majority....
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