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Imran Khans freedom march

Violence in Imran Khan’s freedom march set fire to metro station, army deployed in...

New Delhi: According to the big news of the morning, fierce violence has erupted in Islamabad during the freedom march of former Prime Minister...
Rohingyas have entered India

15 thousand Rohingyas have entered India from Myanmar so far: UN report

United Nations: (UNO) President Antonio Guterres has made a shocking disclosure during the General Assembly meeting. He said that since the coup in Myanmar,...
Cardiologist Gaurav Gandhi of Jamnagar died

Cardiologist Gaurav Gandhi of Jamnagar died of heart attack, had done more than 16...

Ahmedabad: Dr. Gaurav Gandhi, a cardiologist from Jamnagar, Gujarat, died of a heart attack at the age of 41. This news surprised Abhi. During...
dalai lama

85 साल के दलाई लामा बोले – मैं अभी 20 साल और जिंदा रहूंगा

धर्मशाला. तिब्बती धर्मगुरु दलाई लामा (84) ने अपने अनुयायियों, विशेष रूप से तिब्बतियों को भरोसा दिलाया है कि उनका स्वास्थ्य बहुत अच्छा है और वह...
Massive bomb blast in Peshawars Jama Masjid

Massive bomb blast in Peshawar’s Jama Masjid, 30 people killed, more than 50 injured

New Delhi: There has been a massive explosion in a mosque in Pakistan. It is being told that the blast took place in a...
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