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Terrorists shot at former SPO

Terrorists shot former SPO after entering house in Pulwama, wife, and daughter also died

Srinagar: On one hand, the investigation of the drone attack on the airport in Jammu is going on. At the same time, in Tral...
Asaram Bapu

Life imprisonment to Asaram, one who once preached in hut built empire of 10...

Gandhinagar: Gujarat's Gandhinagar sessions court sentenced Asaram to life imprisonment in another case. In the case of the rape of a disciple, this case...
Revanth Reddy

Congress chooses Revanth Reddy as Telangana CM

New Delhi: The Congress party has emerged victorious in the recently concluded assembly elections in Telangana, ending the 10-year rule of the BRS. The...

Max Life Celebrates Five Years of ‘Rakshak’; Aims to Extend Protection Benefits to 45...

Max Life Insurance Company Ltd. (“Max Life” / “Company”) is celebrating the 5th anniversary of its ‘Rakshak’ program - an initiative dedicated to financially securing India’s armed forces personnel...
flour prices in Pakistan

Heavy increase in flour prices in Pakistan, expected to reach Rs 150 per kg

Karachi: The economic condition of Pakistan is getting worse day by day. It is becoming difficult for people to even get bread on June...
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