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Rainfall may be less than normal in these states this month, IMD released report

New Delhi: The India Meteorological Department said that the monthly rainfall for July is likely to be normal across the country, but below normal...

Gujarat based dairy starts innovative project to produce CNG from animal dung

Gandhinagar: Gujarat based and Asia's largest Banas dairy had come up with an innovative project to produce CNG from animal dung. The Chairman of...
CMF Phone 1

CMF Phone 1: A Budget 5G Smartphone with Interchangeable Covers

New Delhi: Nothing's sub-brand, CMF, has just unveiled its inaugural budget-friendly 5G smartphone the CMF Phone 1. What sets this phone apart? Its innovative...
Covid 19

Covid 19 से देश के 16 शहरों में 63 फीसदी मौतें

नई दिल्ली. देश में कोरोना संक्रमण से मरने वालों की संख्या तेजी से बढ़ रही है. अब तक 6369 लोग जान गंवा चुके हैं. देश...
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

China expects Britain to respect its right to safeguard national security in Hong...

Beijing: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has told his British counterpart Dominic Raab that China expects Britain to respect its right to safeguard national...
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