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indian americans

Indian-Americans are getting support for Trump in presidential election: White House

Washington: The White House made this comment in response to a poll that indicated that more than 50 percent of the Indian community in...
mobile games

7 out of 10 urban Indians play mobile games, India in the top 10...

New Delhi: Seven out of 10 urban Indians are now playing video games or mobile games on any device, taking the country to the...

More Than Half of Visitors to teamLab Planets in Toyosu, Tokyo Now Come From...

TOKYO, Japan: Approximately 100,000 people from overseas visited teamLab Planets in Toyosu, Tokyo, between December 9, 2022 and January 9, 2023. (*1) Of the visitors across...

Renu Gupta Awarded the Blackswan Award for Women Empowerment by AsiaOne at Dubai

Mumbai:  Nearing the end of 2021, it is also time to reflect on the works of some of the greatest leaders from across the globe....
Ghost of Kyiv dies

‘Ghost of Kyiv’ dies, 40 Russian planes shot down before dying!

Kyiv: The pilot is known as the 'Ghost of Kyiv', the tooth-picker of Russia that invaded Ukraine, has died. It is being claimed that...
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