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Corona spoiled situation in America, Biden said – expected to be normal by the...

Washington: US President Joe Biden has hoped that vaccinations of millions of Americans will bring the situation to normal by the Covid-19 epidemic in...
Gangasagar Mela

Gangasagar Mela can prove to be ‘super spreader’ like Kumbh Mela, health experts...

Kolkata: Health experts have cautioned that when the country is moving towards the third wave of coronavirus infection, allowing Gangasagar Mela, a religious event...
Gas blast in Pakistan, 6 people dead

Gas blast in Pakistan, 6 people dead

Quetta: Six coal miners have died in an explosive methane gas blast Thursday night near the Afghanistan border in Baluchistan province in southwest Baluchistan...

Corona slows in Madhya Pradesh, growth rate reduced

Bhopal: Now the news of relief on Corona has started coming in Madhya Pradesh, if you look at the country's figures, the growth rate...

Ganga Ki Kasam | Jalsa | Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Niranjan Wadayar, Akanksha,...

SYNOPSIS: The film follows the ambition of an unemployed youth who has dreams of settling down in life by getting married to a girl...
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