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Apple unveils new M3 chips and devices

Apple unveils new M3 chips and devices at Scary Fast Event 2023

New Delhi: Apple has announced the launch of its new M3 series of chipsets, which include M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Pro Max, at...
Randeep Guleria

Delta Plus may Affect Efficacy of Vaccines to Some Extent: Randeep Guleria

New Delhi: The delta plus variant of coronavirus may affect the efficacy of the vaccines available in India but it will still be effective...
sunanda-pushkar case

Court’s decision in Sunanda Pushkar’s death may come soon

New Delhi: A Delhi court on Monday reserved its judgment on the issue of framing charges against Congress leader Shashi Tharoor in the death...

Haley vows mental competency tests for old politicians

Nikki Haley spoke about 'term limits for Congress' and 'mental competency tests' for old politicians at a rally in Charleston, her first ... source
On 100th Birthday of Communist Party

On 100th Birthday of Communist Party, Xi Jinping says, Era of China Being Bullied...

Beijing: President Xi Jinping hailed China’s “irreversible" course from humiliated colony to great power at the centenary celebrations for the Chinese Communist Party on...
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