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Heavy rains expected in Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal: A deep low pressure area in the Bay of Bengal has reached near Chhattisgarh on Thursday. Monsoon Dronika (trough) is passing through Jabalpur....
Imran Khan

There is a ruckus in Pakistan, Imran Khan is in gay sex video! ‘Ex-Captain’...

New Delhi: According to big news coming from Islamabad, Pakistan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, once known for his playboy image, is...
Wearing mask is must

Worrying: 1 out of every 3 people in India are not wearing a mask...

New Delhi: Compliance with the wearing of masks remains at a low level despite concerns over the detection of a new form of coronavirus...
Gufi Pental

Actor Goofy Paintal died at the age of 79, played role of Shakuni Mama...

Mumbai: Actor Goofy Paintal, who played Shakuni Mama in BR Chopra's 'Mahabharata', has passed away. Goofy Pendal was hospitalized for some time due to...
Antony Blinken

US Asks Israel to Submit Proof on Hamas Operating from Gaza Building

Washington: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday he has asked Israel for any evidence of Hamas operating in a Gaza building housing...
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