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International WELL Building Institute Formally Launches WELL v2

New York, United States:Following two years of extensive development, in-use application and review, the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) today formally launched the latest...

Two of India’s Endangered Languages – Kuvi and Kangri – Get a Lease of...

Motorola preserves the two endangered languages – Kuvi and Kangri – spoken in regions in India The newly designed Kuvi keyboard will be...

Current quarantine time is not enough for Corona! Risk of infection remains even...

Washington: The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the COVID-19 pandemic can infect a person for more than 200 days in an unusual case. This has...

In the last 24 hours, 43 Chinese fighter jets crossed center line of Taiwan...

Taipei: Corona (Covid Crisis in China) continues to wreak havoc in China. There are long queues from hospitals to crematoriums. Death is creating havoc...
Dr.Gaurav Sharma

New Zealand’s, new MP of Indian origin who took oath in Sanskrit, know who...

Melbourne: Dr. Gaurav Sharma, one of the newly elected young MPs in New Zealand, took oath in Sanskrit in the Parliament of the country...
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