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Elon Musk will not buy Twitter, accusing it of canceling deal, company said...

San Francisco: Elon Musk has finally canceled the deal to buy Twitter. He wanted to buy this micro-blogging site for 44 billion dollars. According...
cold wave

Rainy spell to end winter in India, Delhi to see warmer days

New Delhi: As winter is on the verge of ending in many states of the country, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a...

Amazon started retrenchment, said – some roles are no longer needed

New Delhi: The world's largest e-commerce company Amazon has also started layoffs. The company has started layoffs from corporate-level officers. A large number of...

Swatch Palladium Mumbai Store Opens its Doors on November 19, 2022

Swatch is pleased to announce that Swatch opens its doors once again in India. On November 19, 2022, a brand-new Swatch store is opening...
china -Xi Jinping

China’s warning – Cold war-like tension should not arise in the Indo-Pacific region

Wellington: Chinese President Xi Jinping warned on Thursday that a situation of tension like the Cold War era should not arise in the Indo-Pacific....
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