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Kim Jong Un wt loss

Kim Jong Un in the grip of some deadly disease? Weight reduced by 10...

Seoul: North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un's weight has probably reduced by 10 to 20 kilograms, and with this, the speculation about his health...

Elephant’s body found in Raigad district, six elephants killed in 10 days

Raigad(CG): The elephant body has been recovered by the forest department in Raigad district of Chhattisgarh. Six elephants have died in the state in...

An angry employee rushed to Mercedes factory and destroyed 43 crore vehicles, shot to...

Spain: A disgruntled former Mercedes employee disgusted cars worth crores of rupees from JCB at a plant in Spain. The police have arrested him...

Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho released in Paraguay

Asuncion (Paraguay): Former Brazilian football star Ronaldinho has now been released after being detained in a hotel for five months for entering Paraguay with...

WhatsApp privacy policy can be banned, detailed investigation will be done

New Delhi: The CCI (Competition Commission of India) on Wednesday ordered a detailed investigation into the updated privacy policy and service conditions of Facebook-owned...
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