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Webb telescope’s big success, planet bigger than Jupiter found outside solar system

Washington: The Webb telescope of the American space organization National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has got a big success. The Webb telescope has...

Tunnel to be built from the residence of the Vice President and Prime Minister...

New Delhi: The movement of VVIP people like Prime Minister and Vice President in the new Parliament of the country will no longer be...
Saturn turning retrogate in Capricorn

From July 12, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn, how it will affect your zodiac...

This year, the slowest moving of all the zodiac signs and the longest transiting planet Saturn has moved from Capricorn to Aquarius. Saturn is...
corona cases 13 june

Decline in cases of corona infection continues, 80834 new cases found in 24 hours,...

New Delhi: The speed of corona infection has become very weak now. Till a few days ago, more than 4 lakh corona cases coming...
Shani jayanti

Shani Jayanti: Celebrating the God of Justice

Shani Jayanti, dedicated to Lord Shani Dev the god of justice is celebrated across India on Thursday, June 6, 2024. This auspicious occasion holds...
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