New Delhi: The Supreme Court of India has issued a notice to Twitter India and the Central Government for sending anti-national and inflammatory messages on Twitter. The Supreme Court has asked the government what can be done on their behalf after such messages come on Twitter.
BJP leader Vineet Goenka had filed a petition in the Supreme Court, saying that inflammatory and anti-national messages are posted on Twitter. Advertisement is also given on Twitter and through this, hate messages are spread. There is currently no guidelines to stop this, so the court should immediately order the government to make guidelines in this regard, so that such messages can be stopped. The Supreme Court, while hearing the petition, issued a notice to Twitter India and the Central Government seeking an answer.
Significantly, earlier in a meeting with senior Twitter officials, the Indian government has expressed strong displeasure. A meeting of senior officials of Twitter was held with the Secretary of the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India, in which it was made clear by the government that Twitter must follow the rules and regulations here in India.
In the meeting, the secretary of the ministry said that in India we respect freedom and criticism. They are part of democracy. The right to freedom of speech and expression is found in the constitution of the country. But freedom of expression is not absolute. The Supreme Court has also given several decisions in this regard from time to time.