Supreme court granted relief to BS-4 vehicle owners, increased registration deadline


New Delhi: The Supreme Court has extended the deadline for registration of these vehicles, giving a big relief to the owners of BS-IV vehicles. Regarding registration of BS-4 vehicles, the Supreme Court allowed all those people who were not able to register their vehicles before the deadline of March 31, to get their vehicles registered. But some conditions have also been fixed in these.

BS-4 vehicles

Significantly, the Supreme Court had fixed the deadline of 31 March 2020 for the sale and registration of BS-IV vehicles. In the meantime, there was a public curfew on 22 March, while a nationwide lockdown came into force on 25 March. Here dealers had a large number of BS-4 two-wheeler and four-wheeler cars left for sale. Therefore, the dealers reached the Supreme Court, seeking to increase the deadline for the sale and registration of BS-4 vehicles. On this, the Supreme Court gave permission to the dealers to sell 10 percent BS-4 vehicles.

In view of the association’s demand and the current BS-4 stock, the Supreme Court made the first change in its order, stating that after the lockdown is over, the dealers will have 10 days to clear their BS-4 stock. But vehicle sales should be only 10 percent of the total stock. Apart from this, this rule will not be applicable in Delhi NCR.

After the court order, BS-4 vehicles have been sold indiscriminately in the country, now the Supreme Court has directed the dealers association to present the details of the vehicles sold online or directly in the last week of March. The bench has said that it wants to check the registration of BS-4 vehicles sold during the lockdown.
