Mumbai: All eyes are on Director SS Rajamoulis’s upcoming film RRR. According to Pinkvilla, it was recently reported that the producer and distributor of RRR have finalized the digital, satellite, and electronic rights of the film. According to the news, only the theatrical release rights of the film in Hindi have been sold for 140 crores. It is being said that the whole deal is much more than that. The manufacturers have sold Satellite and Digital Rights (All Languages) to G Group for Rs 325 crore since the release of RRR. Now the makers of the film have announced their digital partners, which has been tweeted by trade analyst Taran Adarsh.
A video has been shared which reads, ‘The film’s digital streaming partners are G5 Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Also, Netflix is in Hindi. The satellite partners are Zee Cinema Hindi, Star Plus Telugu, Star Plus Tamil, Asianet Malayalam, Star Kannada. Digital streaming partners (in foreign languages) are Netflix (English, Korean, Turkish, and Spanish). ‘
Many famous Indian stars including NTR, Ram Charan, Ajay Devgan, Alia Bhatt, Samuthirkani, and Allison Dudi will be seen in this film. This much-awaited film will be released worldwide on October 13, 2021, on the occasion of the Dussehra celebrations. Alia Bhatt will be seen opposite Ram Charan in the film. While Olivia, Jr. will appear with NTR. Explain that a few days ago, it was reported that Rajamouli and producer Jayantilal Gadda had a big deal for the North Indian version of the film.