New Delhi: As per the big news of the afternoon, the Supreme Court has dismissed a PIL filed recently, raising questions on several aspects of the zoo being set up in Jamnagar, Gujarat. In fact, this petition was filed by a social activist against the Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Center Society (GZRRC), which supported the establishment of the zoo by Reliance Industries Limited.
There was a public petition against GZRRC
In this PIL, it was demanded that the GZRRC should be banned from receiving or bringing animals from India and abroad as well as set up an SIT to conduct a thorough investigation.
Petition against GZRRC dismissed
At the same time, after GZRRC submitted its detailed and accurate response, the Supreme Court heard the matter on 16 August 2022 and dismissed the petition against GZRRC outright, dismissing all the arguments and allegations leveled against him.
The genuine populist motive of GZRRC
GZRRC chief Dhanraj Nathwani in his official comment on the matter said, “We are humbled and overwhelmed by the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. With this, we will continue our work for animal welfare. In the present scenario, it is very important to provide world-class rehabilitation and care along with the conservation of animals. So that these innocent creatures can be preserved in today’s difficult living conditions.”
Along with this, he gave information about the GZRRC’s own infrastructure, functioning, veterinarians, curators, biologists, zoologists, and all other skilled people in the court. At the same time, GZRRC also made it clear before the court that the establishment by Reliance Industries Limited would lead to the welfare, rescue, and rehabilitation-preservation of truly innocent animals. will be encouraged for educational purposes only.
Supreme Court satisfied with the functioning of GZRRC
Subsequently, the Supreme Court gave its satisfaction to the response filed by GZRRC and observed that all its activities are legal and authorized. Along with this, GZRRC has been given legal permission to operate and transfer animals, this information was also placed on the court’s table. Along with this, the Supreme Court also said that there is ‘hardly any scope’ for a dispute over the functioning of the GZRRC.
Best project of Reliance Industries
It is worth noting that another achievement is going to be added to the name of Gujarat. Actually, the world’s largest zoo is going to be built in Jamnagar here. Reliance Industries is getting this zoo built on 280 acres here. Let us tell you that until now the Geological Garden of Berlin was considered to be the largest zoo in the world. It is spread over 84 acres.
There will be wonderful animals, and biodiversity will be taken care of
Reliance Industries is getting this zoo ready. There is also news that the park will be completely ready in the coming two years. More than 300 birds and animals will be brought from different parts of the world to this special zoo. Here different sections like Forest of India, Frog House, Aquatic Kingdom, and Exotic Island will be made for all the animals. The main attraction is animals like bears, wolves, comodo dragons will also be present here.
Along with this, special and magnificent animals like Asiatic Lion, Pitta, and African Elephant will also be brought here. Along with this, there will be more than 200 beautiful birds in its Frog House, while the Aquatic Park will also have more than 350 special and different types of fish. Overall, this zoo will also prove to be a unique example of biodiversity.