New Delhi: Pradyot Bikram Manikya Deb Barma, Chief of Tipra Motha Party, said on Wednesday that the Union Home Minister has started the process of constitutional solution for the original inhabitants of Tripura. Debbarma’s party won 13 of the 42 seats in the recently concluded Tripura assembly elections. Pradyot Debbarma wrote in his tweet, “The Home Minister has started the process of a constitutional solution for the original inhabitants of Tripura. In this process, someone will be appointed for interaction and it will be within a specific time frame. ‘
Debbarma wrote in his tweet, ‘I thank the Home Minister for understanding the real problems of the people. We successfully rehabilitate the Bru people in our kingdom by signing the Bru agreement after 23 years and today we have started a huge dialogue to protect our existence and existence. ‘
Pradyot Kishore Debbarma tweeted
After meeting Home Minister Amit Shah in Agartala, he wrote in his tweet that there has been no discussion on issues like coalition and cabinet. Only the interests of our people were discussed. Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha, Assam Chief Minister Himant Biswa Sarma, BJP in-charge Sambit Patra, and other senior leaders of the party were present in this meeting.
According to a report in Hindustan Times, Pradyot Kishore Debbarma said, “We will hold a series of talks with the Chief Minister. We are here for the betterment of Tripura. We are here for a constitutional solution for the indigenous community. ‘
At the same time, BJP in -charge of Tripura Sambit Patra said, ‘Our party will hold several rounds of talks with IPFT, political, social parties, Motha. There has been no demand from Tipra Motha Party or BJP. We will jointly come for a solution and lead Tripura to development. ‘
Earlier in one of his tweets, Pradyot Kishore Debbarma wrote, “We will not be a part of any government until we get a respectable constitutional solution for our people!” We will play a creative role as the first indigenous party with 13 MLAs for the benefit of the people.