Mumbai: The film industry is abuzz with the news that veteran Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan is teaming up with ‘Pathan’ director Siddharth Anand for an upcoming action thriller titled ‘King’. The film, which marks a departure from their previous collaboration, will be directed by the acclaimed Sujay Ghosh. Adding to the excitement, ‘King’ will feature Shahrukh’s daughter, Suhana Khan, making her big-screen debut.
In a twist of roles, Shahrukh will not portray Suhana’s father but will instead assume the role of her mentor. The narrative will follow his character as he guides Suhana through a series of perilous situations. Insiders reveal that the script has undergone multiple revisions to perfect the storyline.
Initially, Shahrukh was slated for a cameo reminiscent of his role in Alia Bhatt’s ‘Dear Zindagi’. However, the script has since evolved, expanding his part to a more substantial role alongside Suhana. The film is anticipated to hit theaters in 2025.
To ensure authenticity in the action sequences, a team of specialists from the southern states will be brought in to train the cast, with Siddharth Anand aiming to capture realistic action and stunning visual effects.
Suhana Khan’s acting journey began with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’, released on Netflix the previous December. The film also served as a stepping stone for other star progeny, including Agastya Nanda, grandson of Amitabh Bachchan, and Khushi Kapoor, daughter of Boney Kapoor and the late actress Sridevi.
‘King’ promises to be a cinematic spectacle, combining the allure of the Khan legacy with high-octane action and a gripping narrative.