Araria and Bhagalpur: In Araria and Bhagalpur districts, 9 children have died in separate incidents of fire in Araria and Bhagalpur districts. Six children died in the fire on Tuesday afternoon in ward number 6 of Kavaiya village in Palasi police station area of Araria district. Trainee Deputy Superintendent of Police Ejaz Hafeez said the dead included Farooq’s four-year-old son Barkash, Matin’s five-year-old son Ali Hasan, Manzoor’s five-year-old son Dilwar, Yunus’s five-year-old son Ashraf and four-year-old daughter Gulnaz and Tanveer’s six-year-old daughter Khushiha Are included.
He said that the children were roasting earrings of the new crop of wheat, in the same sequence, the spark emanating from the fire hit a nearby hut which set fire to the hut. Out of fear, the children went to hide inside the hut and got caught in the fire there. In Parshurampur village of Pirpainti police station area of Bhagalpur district, three children died of scorching fire in a house in order to cook food on Monday night, while the parents of the children were badly burnt while trying to save them. .

Confirming the accident, Kahalgaon subdivisional officer Sujay Kumar Singh said on Tuesday that a team of officers has been sent to the spot. Further action will be taken after getting the report. The dead include Suraj Kumar, a five-year-old son of laborer Lalmuni Mandal, a three-year-old daughter Preeti, and a one-year-old daughter, Naina Kumari. On receiving the information of the accident, the block chief Rashmi Kumari, Pirpanti Circle Officer Arun Gupta and the Station Head Sanjay Satyarthi reached the spot and sent the injured Lalmuni and his wife to the local referral hospital. Both scorched couples are said to be out of danger. Kahalgaon Subdivision Police Officer Reshu Krishna said that the accident occurred due to a sudden fire in Lalmuni’s house while cooking. Due to the efforts of the villagers, other houses could be saved from fire.