Seeking permission for private hospital in treatment of Corona patient terminated

private hospitals

Bhopal: Private hospitals will no longer require government permission to provide treatment to corona patients. Till now, private hospitals had to take permission from the Chief Medical Officer on the basis of the stipulated conditions. But now no such permission will have to be taken separately, such private hospitals which have all the facilities of treatment will be able to give treatment to the corona patients. Madhya Pradesh Health Commissioner has issued orders in this regard to all collectors and CMHOs of the state including. But patients whose reports are negative and city scans are being told to have infection. Those patients are having trouble getting treatment.

Steps taken to prevent corona
Due to increasing number of Kovid patients, beds of private and government hospitals are almost full. In such a situation, the infected patient is facing trouble in getting admitted. After this order, all private hospitals will be able to provide treatment and beds will be easily available to the patient, the number of beds will also increase.

private hospitals

Collector and CMHO will have to provide information
Private hospitals will treat Kovid patients, they will have to inform the Collector and CMHO office. Along with this, the report of the patient and the condition of the patient will have to be told.

These arrangements are necessary

  • Kovid will be able to treat the same hospital by recruiting patients who will have complete arrangements.
  • It is necessary to have separate arrangements for Covid 19 patients in private hospitals for this.
  • Proper arrangements of oxygen in the hospital.
  • Hospitals must follow the guide line.
  • The fee to be charged from the marriage.

Corona can be treated if symptoms come in city scan
Health officials say that patients in the guideline whose reports are negative, but they are getting symptoms of corona in city scans and other blood tests, then such patients should be given treatment according to the Covid guideline. However, such patients cannot be used for Remedial and Faviflu.

Private hospitals do not have permission, they can give treatment to Kovid patients on fixed terms as per the guideline. The collector and CMHO will have to give complete information about the patient. – Dr. Sanjay Goyal, Commissioner Health Department, MP
