Saturn to retrograde from June 17 2023 for 140 days, know-how will it affect your zodiac signs

Saturn retrograde

Saturn entered the water sign of Pisces on 7 March and shall go in retrograde starting 17 June at 10:57 pm IST and will end by 12:33 pm IST on 4 November. This planet symbolizes rules and regulations, tasks, time, and discipline and is one of the slowest-moving planets in the solar system. It takes around 25-30 years to traverse all 12 zodiac signs.

Impact of Saturn retrograde based on Vedic astrology
If planet Saturn is in the benefic state in your birth chart then one is likely to see sudden growth in wealth & happiness. Due to the good effect of planet Saturn, the person will become just and abides by the laws in varied spheres of life. He or she always adheres to what is right and fights against wrong. It makes the person honest and severely related to his or her work.

Such people are likely to earn a good name in fields like law. They are also very hard-working. If they put in their all in any work or project then they tend to achieve success. They have a keen interest in matters related to justice, truth, union, etc

Malefic effect of Planet Saturn
Unfortunately, the malefic effect of planet Saturn makes the person struggle and face a lot of perils in life. They are likely to experience a not-so-fruitful phase in terms of profession & business. Money does not come easily to them and there are high chances of not getting respect. You might also not have good relations with people. Facing an imbalance in marital life can be a big concern. You are likely to lack decision-making ability. Unfortunately, due to bad decisions, such people end up hurting themselves. Also, they can be stuck in some lawsuits. let’s see this time how this is going to affect each zodiac sign

Aries: Saturn’s retrograde in your career sector suggests a period of reflection and reassessment regarding your professional goals and long-term ambitions. It’s a time to review your career path, make necessary adjustments, and focus on building a solid foundation for future success.

Taurus: For Taurus individuals, Saturn’s retrograde occurs in your sector of philosophy, spirituality, and higher learning. This period encourages you to delve deep into your belief systems and expand your knowledge. It’s a time for introspection, inner growth, and reevaluating your long-term plans and aspirations.

Gemini: Saturn’s retrograde takes place in your sector of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. During this period, you may experience a need to reassess your approach to joint finances, debts, and emotional bonds. It’s a time to work on building trust, addressing any underlying issues, and establishing healthier boundaries.

Cancer: Saturn’s retrograde occurs in your partnership sector, emphasizing the need for introspection and evaluation of your relationships. This period encourages you to assess your commitments, redefine boundaries, and work on strengthening the foundations of your partnerships, whether personal or professional.

Leo: Saturn’s retrograde takes place in your sector of work, health, and daily routines. This period urges you to review your habits, improve time management, and adopt a more disciplined approach. It’s a time to assess your well-being, make necessary lifestyle changes, and establish a solid foundation for long-term health and success.

Virgo: For Virgo individuals, Saturn’s retrograde occurs in your sector of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This period prompts you to reevaluate your creative pursuits, hobbies, and romantic relationships. It’s a time to rediscover your passions, address any self-imposed limitations, and work on developing more authentic self-expression.

Libra: Saturn’s retrograde takes place in your sector of home, family, and personal life. This period encourages you to reassess your domestic situation, family dynamics, and emotional foundations. It’s a time to address any unresolved issues, establish healthy boundaries, and create a stable and secure environment for yourself and your loved ones.

Scorpio: Saturn’s retrograde occurs in your sector of communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. This period urges you to review your thought patterns, communication style, and educational goals. It’s a time to refine your ideas, improve your communication skills, and deepen your knowledge in areas of interest.

Sagittarius: For Sagittarius individuals, Saturn’s retrograde takes place in your sector of finances, values, and self-worth. This period prompts you to reassess your financial goals, spending habits, and values. It’s a time to create a more sustainable approach to money matters, cultivate self-worth, and work on long-term financial stability.

Capricorn: Saturn’s retrograde occurs in your sign, emphasizing personal introspection, self-reflection, and growth. This period encourages you to review your goals, reassess your priorities, and work on strengthening your self-discipline and resilience. It’s a time for self-improvement and establishing a solid foundation for future endeavors.

Saturn retrograde

Aquarius: Saturn’s retrograde takes place in your sector of spirituality, inner growth, and the subconscious mind. This period urges you to delve deep into your psyche, confront fears or limiting beliefs, and work on healing and spiritual development. It’s a time for introspection, self-discovery, and reconnecting with your inner wisdom.

Pisces: For Pisces individuals, Saturn’s retrograde occurs in your sector of social connections, friendships, and long-term goals. This period prompts you to reevaluate your social circle, assess your involvement in group activities, and redefine your aspirations. It’s a time to focus on meaningful connections, set realistic goals, and contribute to your community.
