Samsung has launched its new budget smartphone Samsung Galaxy A03s in India. This phone is part of the Galaxy A series, and it has been introduced in the range of less than Rs 15,000, so that it can compete with phones like Realme 8 5G, Poco M3 Pro 5G, and Xiaomi Redmi Note 10S. The company has kept the price of this phone at Rs 12,499, which is the price of its 4 GB / 64 GB storage variant. At the same time, the price of the 3 GB / 32 GB storage variant of the phone is Rs 11,499. Customers can buy this phone in Black, Blue, and White colors.
Under the offers, the customer is being given a cashback of Rs 1,000 on this phone, which will be available on ICICI Bank credit and debit cards. The phone can be purchased from the customer’s Samsung website, major online portals, and offline stores. Let’s know-how are the full specifications of the phone…
Samsung Galaxy A03s has a 6.5-inch HD + waterdrop notch screen, which the company has called Infinity-V. MediaTek Helio P35 chip is present in this phone, and it comes with two RAM storage variants. Comes with 3GB/32GB storage, 4GB/64GB storage variant. Customers can expand both this storage up to 1TB with a memory card.
Triple camera in budget phone
As a camera, three rear cameras have been given in this phone. It has a 13-megapixel primary camera, a 2-megapixel depth sensor, and a 2-megapixel macro lens. There is a 5-megapixel camera on the front of this phone for selfies. This phone comes with a live focus feature, filters, and many camera modes.