Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is busy shooting for Hansal Mehta’s upcoming film these days. For he is currently in London. While husband and actor Saif Ali Khan is taking care of his son Taimur Khan at his home in Mumbai. Recently, Saba Ali Khan, daughter of Bollywood’s veteran actress Sharmila Tagore, shared a video on her Instagram. This video is from the stage of ‘Indian Idol 13’. Where actress Sharmila Tagore has been praised by her son Saif Ali Khan, daughter-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan, daughter Soha Ali Khan, and Saba Ali Khan through a video call.
In the video, first of all, son Saif Ali Khan while praising his Amma says today I would like to tell everyone here how big an inspiration you are for your children. You have been working in the industry for almost 60 years. Despite your work, you took special care of all of us. Because of this, we have never felt your lack. You worked by balancing your home and your work.
You are a great inspiration for working women. You also gave many super hit films to the industry like ‘Aradhana’, ‘Amar Prem’, ‘Chupke Chupke’ and many more. With this lesson from you, today I am taking care of Taimur by sitting at home and Kareena is shooting for her film in London. At the same time, in the video, Kareena Kapoor Khan said that whatever is said for Amma is less. Amma is like an umbrella. I respect him a lot and love him a lot.
Later in the video, Soha Ali Khan describes herself as lucky and says you stay with me when you come to Mumbai. Which gives me a chance to bond. Our relationship is very close and deep. I am very proud of you that you still follow your passion and you get a lot of love and respect from people and you are still working in films. See you soon Amma. Daughter Saba Ali Khan said about her Amma that you have brought up with a lot of love and have also given discipline. Learned from you how to take care of the house. Sharmila Tagore also became emotional after hearing the words of her children.