Kyiv/Moscow: Ukraine, which Russia planned to conquer in a few days, has been standing in front of the Russian Army, one of the world’s most powerful armies, for a month. Despite the full force attack, the Russian army has not yet been able to capture the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. Due to this, the morale of Russian soldiers is falling. They are starting to get desperate. The latest evidence of this was found when the conversation of two Russian military commanders came to the fore. In this, they are describing the ongoing war with Ukraine as ‘worse than the Chechnya War’.
According to reports, the conversation of Russian military commanders on satellite radio-sat has come to the fore. The conversation between a Russian military officer and his senior officer posted on the front of the Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv near the Black Sea has become public. In this conversation, the ground situation of the ongoing war in Ukraine has been described as ‘worse than the Chechnya War’. Not only this, during the conversation, military officers also tell their seniors that they are ‘not even able to take out the bodies of their martyred soldiers.’ This conversation is in the Russian language. It’s been made public by a computer expert named Dmitry Alperovich. Dmitry is a citizen of Russian origin. Currently living in America. However, the authenticity of this conversation has not been confirmed yet. On the other hand, the Russian President’s Office Kremlin has clarified that their military operation in Ukraine is continuing as planned. The morale of the Russian forces is high.

Russia’s under-preparedness also revealed in the talks
However, according to the conversations of Russian military commanders, Russia did not correctly estimate the situation in Ukraine. Also, there has been a lapse in terms of strategic preparedness. For example, in one place it was told that Russian Air Force planes dropped bombs only on those areas which had been captured by Russian soldiers. The problems caused by the adverse conditions of the severe winter weather around the Black Sea are also mentioned in this conversation.
Chechnya has been a challenge to Russia for nearly 200 years
The Republic of Chechnya has remained a difficult challenge for Russia for the last 200 years. It is located in the southwest of Russia in the mountainous region of the Caucasus. The population here is said to be between 6 to 8 lakhs. Most of them are Sunni Muslims and Russian Orthodox Christians. Rebellions continue to flare up here. The Russian army tries to crush the Chechen rebels by force. Despite this, so far Russia has not been able to fully make Chechnya its part. Thousands of people have died during this long struggle. Lakhs of people have also been displaced.