MUMBAI: The rupee on Friday declined by a paise to a record low of Rs 78.33 per dollar (provisional) against the US currency. In the interbank foreign exchange market, the local currency opened at 78.20 against the dollar and closed at a record low of Rs 78.33 per dollar, down by one paise at the end of trading.
During trading, the rupee went up to 78.19 at high and 78.35 at low. On Thursday, the rupee had closed at 78.32 against the US currency. Meanwhile, the dollar index, reflecting the US dollar’s position against the six major currencies, declined by 0.25 percent to 104.17.
Global oil index Brent crude futures rose 1.13 percent to $111.29 a barrel. The 30-share index of the Bombay Stock Exchange closed at 52,727.98, up 462.26 points. Foreign institutional investors were net sellers on Thursday, according to provisional data from the stock market. He sold shares worth Rs 2,319.06 crore.