New Delhi: Redmi Watch 3 has been launched in Europe. The latest smartwatch from the Chinese company has a 1.75-inch round AMOLED display with a 60Hz refresh rate. It comes with Bluetooth calling and more than 120 sports modes. Not only this but many health suits and watch faces are also available on smartwatches. The smartwatch is available in two color variants. It includes Black and Ivory colors. The company claims that the wearable has an SOS emergency call feature and a 289 mAh battery.
Redmi Watch 3 has been launched in Europe at a price of EUR 119 (around Rs 10,600). A smartwatch is live for sale in this area. However, there is no information about its availability in India and other markets. Let us tell you that the smartwatch was launched in China in December of last year.
Features of Redmi Watch 3
Redmi Watch 3 has been given similar features as its Chinese variant. These include a 1.75-inch AMOLED display, more than 121 sports modes, and 298 mAh battery. The display of the watch comes with 390×450 pixel resolution, 60Hz refresh rate, and 600 nits brightness. The Redmi Watch 3 supports Bluetooth calling as well as an SOS emergency call feature.
121 Sport Mode
The company claims that the smartwatch is compatible with the high-end GNSS chip Beidou, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, and QZSS satellite positioning systems. The wearable comes with 121 sports modes like cycling, mountaineering and swimming. Many health trackers like blood oxygen level and heart rate monitors are also available in it. Sleep-monitoring technology has also been given in Redmi Watch 3.
289mAh battery
The smartwatch is powered by a 289mAh battery, which is said to deliver up to 12 days of battery life. Apart from this, the watch also offers 5ATM water resistance. Redmi Watch 3 is compatible with devices running on Android 6.0 or iOS 12 and above operating systems.