New Delhi: Realme Narzo 60 series is all set to launch on 6th July. In this series, two phones Realme Narzo 60 5G and Realme Narzo 60 Pro 5G will be introduced. The company has been releasing the teaser of the phone for a long time, and now the company has revealed some special features of the Realme Narzo 60 Pro on the Amazon page. It has been revealed from the landing page that the Realme Narzo 60 Pro will be given a 120Hz refresh rate, and it will get 2,160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming.
The special thing is that 12 GB of RAM, 12 GB of virtual RAM, and up to 1TB of storage can be given in this phone. It has also come to light that these features will be offered only on the Narzo 60 Pro model.
The bottom bezel of its display will come with 2.3mm. A vegan leather design will be given on its back side. If we look at the teaser, it is known that the camera of the phone will come with a circular island, which looks a lot like the Realme 11 Pro series.
Realme Narzo 60
On the other hand, talking about Realme Narzo 60, there is a lot of buzz about it too. Leaked reports say that this phone can come with the octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 6020 chipset, and it will get 8GB of RAM. The phone can work on Android 13.
Many offers will be available on pre-order
Realme has announced that customers will be able to pre-order Realme Narzo 60 and Narzo 60 Pro smartphones from the company’s website and Amazon. The company has revealed that buyers can pre-order the smartphone from 1 PM on July 6. Customers will also be given a discount of Rs 1,500 on pre-ordering Realme Narzo 60 Pro.
On the other hand, talking about the standard version of this series, those who buy Realme Narzo 60 will get a discount of Rs 1,000. Apart from this, customers pre-booking the phone will also be given an additional warranty of six months on the device.