Jabalpur: Ravi Vijay Kumar Malimath, the new Chief of the Madhya Pradesh High Court, will take over on October 14. Mr. Malimath will be administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor Mangubhai Patel in the state capital, after which he will reach Jabalpur and assume office, he was the Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh.
It is said that the farewell ceremony was organized in the honor of the current Chief Justice of MP High Court, Mohammad Rafiq, in the virtual event in the South Block Auditorium, the justices of Jabalpur, Indore, Gwalior will be involved, besides MP State Bar Council, High Court Bar Association, High Court Advocates Bar Association, Senior Advocates Council, Assistant Solicitor General, and other dignitaries will attend. Earlier on Monday, October 11, a farewell banquet was organized in honor of CJ by the Senior Advocates Bar. It is worth noting that CJ Mohammad Rafiq took over on January 03.